A series of events is planned on the eve of June 26 "International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking".

It is planned to implement a series of measures on  the eve of June 26  "International Day of Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking" by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission together with relevant institutions in accordance with the relevant task and instructions of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics, Ali Ahmadov:

 • SMS notification with the appropriate text (SC Working Group: Let"s learn the truth about drugs and fight together! www.nmdk.gov.az, Hotline: 802) was sent to subscribers by mobile communication operators operating throughout the country with the joint organization of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Working Group of the State Commission;

• Holding a marching marathon and a cultural-mass concert program with the participation of well-known persons, figures of science and culture, intellectuals, soldiers, athletes, and young people under the motto "For a healthier future!" According to paragraph 10 of the Action Plan signed between the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" CJSC and the Working Group of the State Commission;

• Holding a series of events, trainings and meetings in cities and regions where the number of drug users registered in the country exceeds 1000 people according to paragraph 5 of the Action Plan signed between the Working Group of the State Commission and the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation;

• Organization of educational meetings in educational institutions in accordance with the 3rd point of the Action Plan signed between the Working Group of the State Commission and the Department of Education for Baku City;

• Organization of seminars and public lectures on the theme "We choose a healthy future" in higher, secondary and vocational educational institutions for the purpose of forming the anti-narcotic outlook of students;

• Display of the slogan "Let"s say no to drug addiction together" on the electronic information boards of the Transport Intelligent Management Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

• Display of educational video clips on electronic billboards in several streets and avenues of Baku city and on monitors on buses of "BakuBus" Limited Liability Company and in metro stations;

• Conducting events with the involvement of relevant institutions and civil society institutions according to paragraph 27 of the Work Plan of the State Commission for 2023, by the commissions for the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking operating in the city and district executive authorities.

  Wide coverage of the events will be provided in mass media and social networks.

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