An educational campaign was held on the social network.

The action was started under the slogan "Let"s say no to drugs together!"on social networks in connection with June 26 the UN "World Anti-Drug Day" by party activists starting from June 24 in accordance with the Joint Action Plan for 2023 of the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" Closed Joint Stock Company and the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking.

More than 30 posters and videos, as well as various educational materials, were shared on social platforms "twitter", "facebook" and "instagram" with hashtags #Narkomaniyayason #StopNarcomania. 35 thousand 144 were shared in the "Twitter" social network segment, 15 thousand 643 in the "Instagram" social network segment, and 27 thousand 469 in the "Facebook" social network segment. In total, more than 78,000 shares were shared in all segments of social networks as part of the campaign, which lasted until June 26.

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