Educational activities were carried out on the eve of June 26 - "International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking"

On the eve of June 26- "International Day of Combating Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking", the following measures were taken by the State Commission"s Permanent Working Group together with relevant institutions:

·         It was ensured that SMS notification with relevant text (SC Permanent Group: Let"s learn the truth about drugs and fight together!, Hotline: 802) was sent to approximately 7 million 757 thousand 723 subscribers within 5 days in a phased manner with the joint cooperation of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Working Group of the State Commission;

·         According to paragraph 10 of the action plan signed between the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" CJSC and the Working Group of the State Commission,training on "Say no to harmful habits, choose a healthy lifestyle!"was held in Shamakhi region, bicycle race under the motto "Say no to drugs, join us!" was held  in Sumgayit city, an event was held in Ganja under the motto "For a strong and healthy future!" with the participation of well-known persons, figures of science and culture, intellectuals, soldiers, athletes, and young people, and at the end, a running marathon was held;

·      According to paragraph 5 of the action plan signed between the Working Group of the State Commission and the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation, in the representatives of the Youth Development and Career Center operating in the cities and regions of Ganja, Sumgait, Lankaran, Shirvan, Salyan, where the number of registered drug users across the country exceeds 1000 people Trainings were held for young people on the topic "We say no to drugs";

·   Educational meetings were organized with students on the topic "For a healthier future!" in Baku Modern School, comprehensive secondary school № 194, comprehensive secondary school № 24, comprehensive secondary school № 90 and comprehensive secondary school № 52 according to paragraph 3 of the action plan signed between the Working Group of the State Commission and the Department of Education for Baku City;

·     Seminars and public lectures on "We choose a healthy future" were organized at Baku State Vocational Education Center for Industry and Innovations, Baku State Vocational Education Center for Public Catering and Service, Ismayilli State Vocational Education Center, Lankaran Vocational High School and public lecture called "We choose a healthy future!" was organized at the Department of Literature of Foreign Countries at the Faculty of Philology at the Azerbaijan University of Languages in order to form the anti-narcotics outlook of students;

·      With the joint organization of the Ministry of Culture and the Working Group of the State Commission, trainings were held for specialists of Ganja, Shamkir, Agstafa and Agdash Regional Culture Departments in order to increase their knowledge and professionalism on the problem of drug addiction;

·         Events were held with the involvement of relevant institutions and civil society institutions together with the commissions on combating drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking operating in the Narimanov, Yasamal, Binagadi, Khatai, Garadag districts of Baku city and region executive authorities of Balaken, Zagatala, Gakh, Sheki, Oguz, Ismayilli, Imishli, Saatli, Sabirabad ;

·      From June 20 of the current year (for 10 days), the slogan "Let"s say no to drug addiction together" has been displayed on the electronic information boards of the Transport Intelligent Management Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 23 streets and avenues (the social project is expected to be displayed for a certain period in the next months );

·    Educational videos were displayed on electronic billboards on several streets and avenues of Baku, and on monitors on buses of "BakuBus" Limited Liability Company and in metro stations;

·       Action has been started under the slogan "Let"s say no to drugs together" on social networks together with the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party and more than 30 posters and videos, as well as various educational materials, were shared on social platforms "twitter", "facebook" and "instagram" with hashtags #Narkomaniyayason #StopNarcomania  and as a whole, more than 78,000 shares were shared in all segments of social networks as part of the campaign, which lasted until June 26;

·       In order to strengthen public awareness measures in the field of drug addiction and to promote a healthy lifestyle, educational booklets and memory books prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission were distributed among the population, and certain explanations were given;

·       The videos prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission were broadcast 1733 times in total  on television channels and a total of 11 programs on the fight against drug addiction were prepared ;

·       The actions taken was provided to be broadcasted in the mass media and social networks as well;

Thus, a total of 44 events (22 educational meetings, 13 trainings, 7 social projects, 1 bike ride and 1 marathon) were organized on the eve of June 26 - "International Day of Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking".

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