Information on the end of January-July 2023 on the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking

During the months of January-July 2023, the results of the fight against drug addiction and the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors have been comparatively analyzed and summarized by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission.

A total of 6,696 criminal facts were discovered as a result of complex search and operation measures carried out by law enforcement agencies in the field of combating drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking during the months of January-July of this year. 2335 of them were related to the illegal sale of narcotic drugs, 4112 were related to illegal acquisition and storage of narcotic drugs, 219 were related to illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 30 were related to other crimes of this category.

According to the discovered facts, in general 5 tons 141 kg 918,699 g of narcotics and psychotropic substances confiscated from illegal circulation of which 1 ton 598 kg 616,379 g was heroin, 2 tons 874 kg 140,356 g was marijuana, 221 kg 863,961 g was opium, 50 kg 986,102 g was hashish, 274 kg 649,411 g was psychotropic substances and 121 kg 662.49 g was other drugs. Also, during the specified period, 40,068 pills of methadone, 11,624 hemp plants, as well as 3 kg 197,368 g, 7,703 capsules and 1,133 pills of powerful substances and 40,682 g of precursors were taken from illegal circulation.

During the reporting period, 762,300 wild narcotic plants, weighing 211 tons, 691 kg, 610.98 grams, were identified and destroyed accordingly from 343.68 hectares of land with the organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other relevant institutions.

165 facts related to the smuggling of narcotics and psychotropic substances into the country were discovered by law enforcement agencies and based on those facts, a total weight of 2 tons, 186 kg, 111,606 g, and 40,068 pills of methadone drugs, 7,631 capsules, and 953 pills of powerful substances were removed from illegal circulation.

In total, 168 of the detected crimes were committed in a group, and 1 ton 215 kg 109,866 g, 190 pieces of methadone drug, psychotropic substance and 157.5 g of powerful substance were confiscated from the illegal traffic. 1837 criminal acts were committed by previously convicted people and 1 ton of 098 kg 379.3 g of various types of narcotics and psychotropic substances were confiscated from them.

The total value of 5 tons 141 kg 918,699 g of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances taken from illegal circulation during January-July 2023 is estimated as 225 million 099 thousand 265 AZN.

The analysis shows that, compared to January-July 2022, the total number of facts detected by law enforcement agencies related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances during the corresponding period of 2023 was 145, the number of facts related to illegal acquisition and possession without the purpose of sale is 271, the number of crimes related to smuggling is 8 facts, the number of persons brought to responsibility is 291 people, and the weight of drugs removed from illegal circulation is 1 ton, 237 kg, 126,909 grams. In particular, the number of facts related to the illegal sale of drugs decreased by 19, the number of other types of criminal facts by 37, the number of facts related to the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants by 70, and the number of group crimes by 34.

During the months of January-July of the current year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan referred 51,856 people to the Republican Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the determination of all types of intoxication.

Among them, 846 out of 1,550 people who were medically examined for the purpose of determining drug use were found to be users, and necessary measures were taken in this regard.

During the reporting period, the Working Group signed 5 Action Plans with the relevant institutions, and in total 92 events were held within the framework of educational events (50 educational meetings, 26 trainings, 3 cultural-mass events, 1 film broadcast on YouTube channel, 2 social videos, 1 social painting competition, 7 social project, 1 bike ride and 1 marathon) were organized.

During the months of January-July 2023, the "802" hotline phone call service received 752 citizen appeals, of which 112 related to illegal drug trafficking, 269 to drug addiction treatment, and 371 to other issues (re-applying, explaining the terms of the legislation, procedures for compulsory treatment, etc.). 381 letters were addressed to the relevant authorities for taking appropriate measures on the mentioned appeals.

So, in order to prevent the spread of drugs and addiction,coordination with the relevant organizations and citizens was ensured in an efficient manner, relevant criminal cases were initiated based on the information provided on the illegal circulation of drugs, and a large amount of drugs were seized from the illegal circulation through the 802 hotline call service and drug users were directed to treatment in specialized medical institutions based on their voluntary requests, psychological support was given to families suffering from drug addiction, and the provisions of the existing legislation were explained and necessary recommendations were given.


Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics.

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