The scope of educational activities is being expanded.

The permanent Working Group of the State Commission continues to publish new social boards with educational slogans and special warning texts in order to organize the preparation and distribution of educational materials in the direction of further expanding the effectiveness and scope of preventive measures.

In this regard, placement of 15 boards in penitentiary institutions, educational institutions for minors, and 35 boards in full secondary schools of Baku city was ensured within the framework of cooperation with the Baku City Education Department and the Penitentiary Service.

At the same time, with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle and further expanding social awareness about the harm of drug addiction,social boards are placed in the existing streets and avenues of cities and regions as well as near educational institutions where drug addicts are especially widespread, including the above-mentioned social boards are placed in the areas where teenagers and young people are more active, also the necessary promotional materials and booklets on Methodological Recommendations were sent (attached to the disk in electronic form).

Thus, during 2022 and the previous period of the current year, 33 social boards were installed in prisons, 81 in educational institutions of Baku, 45 in metro stations, and 20 in relevant cities/districts.

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