Information on the end of January-August 2023 on the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking

  During the months of January-August 2023, the results of the fight against drug addiction and the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors have been comparatively analyzed and summarized by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission.

  A total of 7,598 criminal facts were discovered as a result of the complex investigative measures implemented by law enforcement agencies in the field of combating drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking. 2,659 of them were related to the illegal sale of narcotic drugs, 4,649 were related to the illegal acquisition and possession of narcotic drugs, 260 were related to the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 30 were related to other crimes of this category.

  According to the discovered facts,5 tons, 804 kg, 558,512 g of narcotics and psychotropic substances was confiscated from illegal circulation,of which 1 ton 722 kg 686,454 g was heroin, 3 tons 349 kg 422,948 g was marijuana, 236 kg 905,361 g was opium, 50 kg 988,844 750,831 grams was hashish, 750,831 grams was cocaine, 318 kg of 741,409 grams was psychotropic substances, 125 kg of 042,665 grams was other drugs. Also, during the specified period, 47,726 pills of methadone, 14,164 hemp plants, as well as 3 kg 197,368 grams, 7,703 capsules, 3,308 pills and 12.95 grams of a powerful substance and 40,682 grams of precursors were taken from illegal circulation.

  869,387 wild narcotic plants weighing 257 tons, 546 kg, 610.98 g were identified and destroyed accordingly from 407.6 hectares of land by the organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other relevant institutions. 

   5721 people were brought to criminal responsibility for illegal drug trafficking, 57 of them are citizens of foreign countries.

  191 facts related to the smuggling of narcotics and psychotropic substances into the territory of the country were discovered by law enforcement agencies, and according to those facts, the total weight of 2 tons, 531 kg, 325,919 g and 47,726 pills of methadone drugs and 7,631 capsules, 3,128 pills were seized from the illegal circulation. and 12.95 g of the active substance was extracted.

  In total, 205 of the detected crimes were committed as a group, and 1 ton of 645 kg, 485,666 g, and 580 pieces of methadone narcotic drug, psychotropic substance, and 170.3 g of powerful substance were confiscated from illegal trafficking.

  2127 criminal acts were committed by previously convicted people, and 1 ton, 221 kg, 409.6 different types of narcotics and psychotropic substances were confiscated from them.

  The total value of 5 tons 804 kg 558,512 g of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances seized from illegal circulation during January-August 2023 is estimated at 235 million 195 thousand AZN

  The analysis shows that, compared to January-August 2022, the total number of facts detected by law enforcement agencies related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances during the corresponding period of 2023 was 158, the number of facts related to the illegal sale of drugs was 55, the number of facts related to illegal acquisition and possession without the purpose of sale was 237, the number of crimes related to smuggling was 9 facts, the number of persons brought to responsibility was 309 people, and the weight of drugs removed from illegal circulation increased by 1 ton 394 kg 118,472 g.

In particular, the number of other types of criminal facts decreased by 42, the number of facts related to the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants by 92, and the number of group crimes by 45.

  The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan directed 59,393 people to the National Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan to identify all types of intoxication cases.

  Among them, 956 of 1731 people who were medically examined to determine their drug use were found to be drug users, and necessary measures were taken in this regard.

  During the reporting period, 5 Action Plans were signed by the Working Group with the relevant institutions, and in total 102 events (60 educational meetings, 26 trainings, 3 cultural-mass events, 1 film broadcast on the Yutub channel, 2 social videos, 1 drawing competition, 7 social projects, 1 bike ride and 1 marathon, 95 banners and booklets to the penitentiary institutions of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice , distribution to 35 schools of the Department of Education in Baku, the cities of Sumgait, Lankaran, Shirvan and the Executive Authorities of Salyan region) was organized.

  The "802" hotline phone call service received 866 citizen appeals, of which 141 were related to illegal drug trafficking, 305 related to drug addiction treatment, and 420 related to other issues (re-applying, explaining the terms of the legislation, procedures for compulsory treatment, etc.). 446 letters have been addressed to the relevant authorities to take appropriate measures on the mentioned appeals.

  So, relevant criminal cases were initiated based on the information provided on the illegal circulation of narcotics ensuring prompt coordination with relevant organizations and citizens and large quantities of narcotics were seized from illegal circulation, drug users were referred to specialized medical institutions for treatment based on their voluntary requests, psychological support for families suffering from drug addiction and the provisions of the current legislation were explained and necessary recommendations were given in order to prevent the spread of drugs and drug addiction through the 802 hotline call service


                Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics

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