An event was held on "Let"s save our future from the white death!" in Shirvan city.

On October 26, an event was held on "Let"s save our future from the white death!"in Shirvan city in accordance with the Joint Action Plan for 2023 of the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" Closed Joint Stock Company and the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking.

  Active young people representing Shirvan city, Bilasuvar, Hajigabul, Neftchala and Salyan regions took part in the event held in the administrative building of NAP Shirvan city organization.

  First, the Alley of Martyrs of Shirvan city was visited, the memory of the heroic children of the Motherland was remembered with respect, and flowers were laid on their graves.

  Then the participants of the event laid flowers in front of the bust of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in the administrative building of NAP Shirvan city organization and commemorated his memory with deep respect and reverence.

   At the event, the dear memory of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our land was commemorated with a minute of silence.

   Chairman of NAP Shirvan city organization Zahir Kahramanov, Deputy Head of Gender Policy and Youth Work Department of NAP Central Office Zakiya Musayeva, Head of Shirvan City Executive Authority Ilgar Abbasov, Member of Health Committee of Milli Majlis Mushfiq Mammadli, Permanent Member of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics Ragif Allahverdiyev, head of the National Information Sector of the Working Group, Mehman Gasimov, head of the Shirvan city branch of the State Security Service, Fizuli Ahmadov, head of the Shirvan city police department, Police Colonel Fizuli Ahmadov, and head of the department of Sumgayit City Narcotic Dispensary of the Ministry of Health, doctor-narcologist Vusal Jabbarov made speeches.

   It was emphasized in the speeches that the fight against drug addiction is important for the formation of a healthy society. The main goal in this direction is to achieve that teenagers and young people stay away from such harmful habits and to carry out educational work at the appropriate level. It was pointed out that Azerbaijan is one of the countries that effectively fights against drug addiction. Important successes have been achieved as a result of the steps taken in this direction in our country, as a result of the implemented countermeasures. It was noted that special attention is paid to the issues of education in the "State Program for 2019-2024 on the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and the fight against drug addiction".

   Then the questions of the participants of the event were answered and opinions were exchanged on the topic.

   The participants of the event were given visual resources prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission for the purpose of promoting the fight against drug addiction.

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