In January-November of this year, 166 educational events were organized in the field of combating drug addiction

During November of this year, 32 (166 in total during the reporting period) educational events were organized by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission in cooperation with relevant institutions:

·         An event was organized on "Let"s not sacrifice our morality and our future to drugs!" in Mingachevir city in accordance with the joint Action Plan for 2023 signed with the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) and "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" Closed Joint Stock Company;

·         Trainings were held for specialists working with young people of cultural institutions of Shamakhi, Ismayilli, Gabala, Sheki and Zagatala regions with the joint organization of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Working Group of the State Commission In connection with the implementation of the "2022-2023 Action Plan on the expansion of propaganda and educational activities against drug addiction among teenagers and young people";

·         An educational events were organized at Azerbaijan University of Languages, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku Slavic University, Baku Eurasian University, Baku State Vocational Education Center for Public Catering and Service, Baku Management and Technological College, Baku Tourism Vocational School, Baku Management and Technological College, Baku Oil and Energy College According to the Action Plan signed with the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

·         In accordance with the Action Plan signed jointly with the Baku City Education Department, a meeting was held with students on the theme "We choose a healthy lifestyle" in Khatai district № 59 secondary school;

·         As part of the implementation of the Action Plan signed with the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice, an event was organized in order to strengthen anti-narcotic propaganda among convicts in prisons № 10 and 11;

·         Appropriate educational meetings and trainings were held in Yasamal, Binagadi, Absheron, Shirvan, Lankaran, Shamakhi, Gabala, Ismayilli, Sheki, Gakh, Zagatala, Saatli, Sabirabad, Masalli, Astara cities and regions of Baku within the framework of cooperation with the city and district commissions on the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking.

    At the same time, the progress of the events was widely covered in the Azerbaijan State Information Agency (AZERTAC), the official website of the State Commission (, other leading electronic media and social networks.

    Thus, 112 educational meetings, 39 trainings, 3 cultural-mass events, 2 infotours, 1 drawing competition, 7 social projects, 1 bike ride and 1 marathon were organized in the relevant direction during January-November of this year.

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