An educational event was held in Sumgait city.

  On December 5 of the current year, an educational event called "The main value of life is life" was held at the administrative building of the New Azerbaijan Party, Sumgayit city, on the initiative of the Sumgayit City Boarding Type Gymnasium.

 The director and teaching staff of the Sumgait City Boarding Type Gymnasium, the deputy head of the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, the responsible employee of the permanent working group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, and the representatives of the relevant institutions in the city of Sumgait participated at the event and extensive information was provided on the risk factors of drug use among teenagers, the characteristics of psychoactive substances and their harmful effects on health, and methods of combating drug addiction and discussions were held around the questions of interest to the students.

 In the end, the necessary propaganda materials prepared by the  Working Group of the State Commission end "Know the truth about narcotics", "The truth about marijuana" and "The truth about psychotropic substances" were distributed among the students.

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