"A healthy lifestyle is the guarantee of a secure future"

An event was held on the theme "Healthy lifestyle is the guarantee of a reliable future" on April 19, in  Nakhchivan city in connection with the implementation of the measures provided for in the "State Program for the years 2019-2024 on the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and the fight against drug addiction" in accordance with the action plan signed between the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, and "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" CJSC.

First, flowers were arranged in front of the monument of the founder of the modern independent state of Azerbaijan, the National Leader of our people, Heydar Aliyev, and the Heydar Aliyev Museum was visited.

At the event held at Nakhchivan State University, the dear memory of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was commemorated with a minute"s silence. Then the National Anthem of Azerbaijan was played.

Elman Jafarli, chairman of the Nakhchivan city organization of the New Azerbaijan Party, chairman of the Humanitarian Policy Committee of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, who opened the event with an introductory speech, spoke about the importance of the topic. Speaking about the importance of propaganda work to protect teenagers and young people from harmful habits, E. Jafarli pointed out that one of the important factors for the development of society is a healthy lifestyle. He emphasized that the adoption of relevant programs in our country is important for our healthy future, taking into account the danger of more spread of drugs among young people and teenagers. In his speech, Elman Jafarli also informed about the educational measures implemented in the Nakhchivan AR regarding the fight against drug addiction.

Zakiya Musayeva, head of the Department of Gender Policy and Youth Work of the NAP Central Office, said that there is a serious fight against drug addiction in our country. She noted that one of the important steps to solve this problem is the expansion of education among teenagers and young people. In this regard, it is very important to conduct awareness campaigns about the harms of drug addiction in education, health centers, law enforcement agencies and other organizations. According to her, the "State Program for 2019-2024 on Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors and Combating Drug Addiction" approved by President Ilham Aliyev is important in terms of systematically fighting this problem.

Chairman of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children"s Problems of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Ramila Seyidova said in her speech that drug addiction is one of the problems that seriously worries the modern world and it is also one of the factors that endangers people"s health, affects the moral and moral values of society, and has a negative impact on socio-economic development.

According to her, such harmful habits are one of the main reasons for the breakup of many families. Therefore, it is always important to fight against harmful habits for the sake of a healthy family and a healthy society. R. Seyidova also provided information about the educational activities carried out by the institution she leads in this direction.

Then the rector of Nakhchivan State University Elbrus Isayev said that protecting young people from harmful habits is an important challenge in modern times. Young people should give priority to gaining more knowledge, a healthy lifestyle, and at the same time, they should know how harmful and dangerous drug addiction is. According to him, the training and education of our teenagers and young people, increasing their interest in science, education and sports is an important factor in their getting away from harmful habits.

Ragif Allahverdiyev, head of the National Information Sector of the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics, said that drug addiction reduces a person"s attachment to family and society, and as a result, makes him a useless individual for society. He noted that the state is taking necessary measures in this area. Many clauses of the "2019-2024 State Program on Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors and Combating Drug Addiction" are dedicated to education issues.

Vusal Jabbarov, head of department of Narcotics Dispensary of the Ministry of Health, Sumgayit city, doctor-narcologist Vusal Jabbarov, spoke in detail about the harm caused by drugs to human health and the consequences caused by them. He urged young people to stay away from this trouble.

Then the questions of young people were answered.

The event ended with the singing of the National Anthem of the New Azerbaijan Party.

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