The next educational event was organized in the penal institution № 11.

The next educational event on the fight against drug addiction was organized in penitentiary № 11 within the implementation of the Action Plan jointly signed between the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice and the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for the Fight against Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs.

The deputy head of the Working Group of the State Commission, an employee of the General Anti-Narcotics Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an expert-physician of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, a doctor-narcologist of the Baku City Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health, an employee of the Department of Educational Work of the Ministry of Justice"s Penitentiary Service participated at the event.

At the meeting, detailed information was given on the prevention of drug-related crimes, the destructive effect of drugs on the human body, the social evils it causes and the role of the state in organizing the fight in this direction, the rehabilitation and reintegration of drug-affected convicts into society, and the spread of AIDS and a number of infectious diseases were discussed at the meeting.

At the end, extensive discussions were held on the questions and the necessary propaganda materials prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission were distributed among the participants

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