Training was held at the "Summer Fest" organized in Shamakhi district

Training was organized among the youth participating in the "Summer Fest" organized in Shamakhi district in accordance with the action plan signed between the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation and the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission.

The responsible employee of the Working Group of the State Commission spoke at the trainings and gave extensive information about the risk factors of drug use, the characteristics of psychoactive substances and their harmful effects on health, the stages of drug addiction formation, the importance of anti-narcotic propaganda, and the methods of combating drug addiction in order to increase the knowledge of young people about the problem of drug addiction and  discussions were held around the questions that interested the participants.

At the same time, necessary propaganda materials called "Know the truth about narcotics", "Truth about marijuana" and "Truth about psychotropic substances" prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission were presented to the participants of "Summer Fest".

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