Public awareness work is continued

The topic of fight against illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and drug addiction continued to be covered in the media.

Thus, the videos "Narcotics leave indelible marks on the brain", "Narcotics are a disaster without limits" prepared by the permanent working group of the State Commission,the social video prepared on the activities of the "802-Hotline" service was broadcast a total of 23,843 times through television channels from January to September of this year.Additionally, 133 special programs featuring experts and author segments related to the harms of drug addiction have been produced.

At the same time, in total, about 3300 informative and educational materials were published in print and online media entities operating throughout the country during the 9 months of the current year in order to more effectively organize awareness work among citizens about the use of drugs and psychotropic substances and the problems arising from them.

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