Another intellectual competition was organized among students in Yevlakh.

An intellectual competition against the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and drug addiction was organized on December 14 of this year at the Yevlakh Youth House, jointly organized by the Permanent Working Group of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the State Commission in connection with the implementation of subparagraph 4.4.25 of the Action Plan of the “State Program for 2019–2024 on the Fight against Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors and Drug Addiction”  in order to form the anti-drug worldview of students.

The Chief Advisor of the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission, the Leading Advisor of the Social Development Sector of the Youth Affairs Department of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the Doctor-Psychologist of the Republican Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health participated at the event and made a speech in order to increase the knowledge of young people about the problem of drug addiction and also an interactive training was organized in the format of a presentation on the risk factors of drug use, the characteristics of psychoactive substances and their harmful effects on health, the stages of drug addiction formation, the importance of anti-drug propaganda, and methods of combating drug addiction.

As a result of the training, an intellectual competition was organized, forming 6 teams with 5 members in each team, and questions were presented in 3 stages.In the competition, which took place in an exciting atmosphere, the teams named "Akıncı," "Victoria," "Eureka," "Penta," "Zirve," and "Youth" competed, and the "Akıncı" team emerged as the winner.

In the end, the winners were awarded diplomas jointly prepared by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and certificates were also presented to other participants.

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