An awareness-raising event was held at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

   An awareness-raising event on "The role of youth in the fight against drugs" was organized by Permanent Working Group of the State Commission and the Sabail District Executive Power on December 21 of the current year at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University in accordance with the "State Program on Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors and Drug Addiction for 2019-2024".

  The First Deputy Head of the Sabail District Executive Power, President of the Forum of National Non-Governmental Organizations of Azerbaijan, Deputy Head of the Working Group of the State Commission, employee of the Main Department for Combating Drugs, Doctor of Narcology Center, Vice-Rector of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University participated at the event and spoke on the topic.

  The speeches provided detailed information on the tragedies caused by drug addiction, dependence of drug addiction, combating the illicit trafficking of psychoactive substances, the destructive effects of drugs on the human body, as well as the effective organization of leisure time for young people. Afterwards, extensive discussions were held on the issues of interest to students.

   At the end, the teaching staff was presented with a booklet on  "Methodological recommendations to help identify drug and psychotropic substance abusers" prepared by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission, and the students were provided with the necessary advocacy materials.

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